Insurance Plans We Recognize
Covering the Care We Provide
Medical Associates of Northern New Mexico accepts a wide range of insurance plans — opening our doors to patients from the Los Alamos and surrounding areas in need of care. Check to see if your plan made the list of our accepted health coverage providers. Call us today for more information or to make special accommodations if you’re not adequately insured.
Billing and Insurance
Insured Patients
Insurance companies only allow a certain number of days to file your insurance claims. We must have accurate insurance information to ensure that your insurance company accepts your claim. We will ask you for your insurance cards each time you are seen at our office. You will need to sign a waiver form accepting financial responsibility if insurance information is not available at the time of service. We cannot file a claim if we have incomplete insurance information.
Medical Associates of Northern New Mexico is contracted with most major insurances companies including:
United Healthcare
Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
New Mexico Health Connections
If you are seeing us out of network, we will file your insurance claim once. If, after 60 days, we have not received payment from your insurance company, financial responsibility for the claim will be transferred to you.
Please be aware that it is our office policy that patients are responsible for knowing the details of their particular insurance plans. Please refer to our financial policy for more information.
Uninsured Patients
We offer a 20% discount on most services. $125 is to be paid at the time of service. Patients will then have 1 week from the date of service to call or come into the office to pay the remaining amount in FULL to receive the 20% discount. We also offer payment plans to keep your medical expenses manageable. As long as you keep your account current, both options will remain open to you.
Worker Compensation Claims
We do not file claims to workers compensation companies. If you are seen for a worker compensation injury, we will file your claim to you health insurance company. Our business office can supply you with the forms you will need to file your claim to your worker compensation insurance. You will continue to be responsible for the payment of the claim to our office. Patients with long-term work related illnesses or injuries might be referred to another provider who specializes in Occupational Medicine.
Motor Vehicle Accident Claims
We do not file claims to auto insurance companies. If you are seen for a motor vehicle accident injury, we will file your claim to your health insurance company. We will notify them that the claim is related to an auto accident. Many health insurances do not pay for auto accident injuries. Our business office can supply you with the forms you will need to file your claim to your auto insurance. You will continue to be responsible for the payment of the claim to our office. Your auto insurance will reimburse you directly.
Referrals/Prior Authorizations
Depending on your insurance, prior authorization may be needed for some tests and/or prescriptions. Our office will process these for you, though ultimately you are responsible for verifying when your insurance requires these to be done. Some specialists may request that you see your primary care physician before scheduling you. Our providers will not issue a referral without seeing you first.