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We Go the Extra Mile

Online Patient Education Library

Prescription and Non-Prescription Drug Information:

Safe Medication

FDA Drug Information

Medline Plus 

United States Pharmacopoeia   

Consumer Lab 

Cancer Resources:

Los Alamos Council on Cancer

American Cancer Society 

American Society of Clinical Oncology 

American Lung Association 

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery

FDA Approved Oncology Drugs

Cardiovascular Disease Resources:

American College of Cardiology 

The Heart

Los Alamos Heart Council

American Heart Association


Osteoporosis Resources:

National Osteoporosis Foundation 

NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases 

Arthritis Resources:

Arthritis Foundation 

Arthritis Today 

Diabetes Resources:

National Diabetes Education Program 

American Diabetes Association

Diabetes Public Health Resource 

General Health Resources:

Clinical Trials 

National Women’s Health Network

Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s 

Mayo Clinic 

National Health Council

Alzheimer’s Association


Family Doctor

Family Doctor (en espanol) 


Pet Therapy

In addition, I would like to recommend a few sites on the value of pet therapy.  

“Research studies have shown that pets or companion animals are beneficial to people, including the elderly.  These studies have concluded that all types of pets provide older persons with a sense of emotional and physical security; an opportunity for exchanges of affection; distraction from ones own problems; compensation for sensory loss; satisfaction of the need to touch and be touched, to smile and to laugh; a decrease in depression; and the incorporation of rhythm and structure into daily routine.  The animals seem to provide a boundless measure of acceptance, adoration, attention and unconditional love.”

-Quoted from the April 2002 issue (Vol. 10, No. 4) of Clinical Geriatrics, “The Therapeutic Use of Companion Animals,” by Antonios Likourezos, MA, MPH, Orah R. Burack, MA, and Melinda S. Lantz, MD

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

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